Contact en exposities

Laatst bezochte bestemming(en): Cyprus, Indonesië, Azerbeidzjan, Georgië en Armerië, daarvoor Azoren en Oceanië.


Hans Bisschop fotografie, Ooijpolder, Nederland / The Netherlands.

Heeft uw vragen of op – of aanmerkingen, dan hoor ik dit graag via mijn onderstaande e-mailadres:

If you have any queries please contact me at the following email address. For the English text I refer to the bottom of this page.

Email:             Je vindt mij ook op LinkedIn


heden en toekomst:


  • 19 en 20 juli, het Kerkje van Persingen;


  • 1 en 2 juni 2024 in de Kleine Bartholomeuskerk te Beek (bij Nijmegen); landschappen en portret en reisfotografie uit India en Nepal ( zie poster in de rechter kolom). De expositie zal worden opgedragen aan de recent overleden Trieneke Mantel.
  • 25 april t/m 26 mei 2024,  landschapsfotografie ( zie poster rechter kolom) | Galerie Steenwijk, Meppelerweg 47, 8331 CS Steenwijk ( in Rabogebouw)  opening op 25 apr. 18.45 – 20.00 uur | (open: ma- vr 13.30 – 17.00 uur, za van 10.00 -12.30 uur | voor meer info:



  • Podium Zuidhaege te Assen, 13 september – 17 november met portretfotografie,  All over the World


  • 14 en 15 augustus 2021: expositie kerkje van Persingen nabij Nijmegen.   Thema ”All over the World” met foto’s  voornamelijk uit Azië, Afrika. Z. Amerika en Europa 


  • Kerkje Persingen bij Nijmegen. 
  • Hans Bisschop exposeert met foto’s uit diverse werelddelen, met als sub-thema extreme landschappen. Hij bezoekt vele landen en is geïnteresseerd in het ontdekken van landschappen met menselijke invloeden, maar ook de onbewoonde gebieden waar de natuur het voor het zeggen heeft. Deze laatste, de natuur zonder menselijke invloeden, laat hij zien in deze expositie. Er zijn foto’s uit diverse werelddelen, onder andere uit landen als IJsland, Kaapverdische eilanden, Namibië, , Madagaskar, de Verenigde Staten, Bolivia, Argentinië en China.


  • Galerie Steenwijk, naaktfotografie;
  • Galerie Steenwijk en gemeentehuis Oldemarkt, onderwerp natuur- en landschap;
  • Bezoekerscentrum de weerribben, Ossenzijl, landschapsfotografie (all over the world)
  • Doornenburg, verzameling van div. onderwerpen



Since the 80’s I have orientated myself widely in the field of photography: looking for shapes, light and colour but mainly focusing on black-and-white work. At the moment I slightly favour travel and landscape photography in colour over portrait and nude photography.

Already at a young age I travelled around the world. I have visited many big cities worldwide but also numerous thinly populated areas with their desolate landscapes, e.g. my many trips through Africa, but also through north, central and south America and large parts of Asia. Very often I am impressed by landscapes and wilderness, hardly accessible for humans. This is where I experience man’s smallness.

The subjects
Below you will find a short general description of the subjects which are then categorized and introduced further on.
You will also come across divergent photos that cannot easily be categorized but still complement the subject.
A short description:
Landscape photography: I choose the subject for

landscape photography in such a way that the surroundings are stilled and often somewhat abstracted. The image is shaped in a simple way but with as much expressiveness as possible, making the appreciation of the image a real experience.

Portrait photography: Portrait photography is a different story altogether: the images often arise spontaneously during the interaction between me and the person portrayed, think of chance meetings during my travels. However, also in case of an arranged setting and posing I want the subject to be his/her natural self as much as possible. I construct my composition carefully in such a way that light and the different objects form a match in the right proportions. The image always contains some aspects of the surroundings, because in my opinion this also illuminates the person’s story and background.

Travel photography: Beside the many portrait and landscape photos that I make during my travels, I also try to picture living conditions, culture, surroundings, architecture and industry. The photo editing is minimal so as to preserve the original atmosphere; colour for small image format, black-and-white often in middle image format and developed in Accu 1 and Kodak.

Parts of the collections of pictures and travel stories will be replaced regularly. Recent destinations are temporarily highlighted.

Booklet: Met de tijd de wereld rond (around the world with time), 2005, a collection of pictures and travel stories from all over the world. Theme: time (unfortunately out of print).

About this site: all rights reserved, © Hans Bisschop. No photos from this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or published by any means, printed, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, microfilm, internet or otherwise without the prior permission of Hans Bisschop.

Travel photography
Much of my (analog) photo work was shot in Africa. In these pictures I try to express the magnitude of the differences between the western and the African way of life: our modern western societies where everything is planned and organised versus African countries where – despite extreme poverty, social inequality, poor health care and political unrest – I was impressed by the calm stream of life that carried people along. It made mé feel calm and reflective.
Other digital photo work I made in south and central America and large parts of Asia, including big countries like China and Indonesia and smaller ones like Laos and Cambodia. The images present an impression of the situation in those countries at the time of visiting.

Portrait photography
Portrait photography has been a frequent occupation lately.
I try to capture the person in his/her natural habitat, in which shadow, forms/shapes and lines are created in combination with the beauty of a face and its expression.
I focus on people who both strike me and are willing to be photographed. Often this happens spontaneously but occasionally I prepare them a little for different locations and backgrounds where I want to take their pictures. During the photoshoot I try to make the one(s) I am going to photograph to feel at ease, so the real person will show during the session.
They may be young but also old(er) people; the beauty of a blooming youth with hardly any history and an elderly person in whose face the traces of life show.

Landscape Photography
In every country I visit I am interested in human influence on the landscape. Conversely, I am also very interested in landscapes that are inaccessible for humans, where nature rules. I am in awe for the direct and unrestrained power of the wilderness, so elementary and untouched by man that human presence would hardly be noticed or even get the smallest chance to exert any influence. This is what I try to show in my photowork, often by making more diffuse images without saturated colours.

Travel stories
I have written more than a thousand stories about the countries I have visited and also some about my own country.
There is a great variation in subject matter: The beauty of the landscape, politics, economics and culture but mainly people. And especially those whose stories I was privileged to hear, with all the sorrow and happiness from their own lands. Some are simple stories about ordinary things that may please the foreign traveller but others breathe a deeper meaning, people’s convictions and way of life.

Hans Bisschop photography, Ooijpolder, The Netherlands
If you have any queries please contact me at the following email address:

– Various themes during several years at library Steenwijk
– Gallery Steenwijk: nude photography
– Gallery Steenwijk and townhall Oldemarkt: nature and landscape
– Visitor centre ‘de Weerribben’, Ossenzijl: landscape photography from all over the world
– Doornenburg: collection of a variation of subjects
– March 2018, little church Persingen near Nijmegen:
Hand Bisschop exhibits pictures from various parts of the world with as sub-theme: extreme landscapes. He visits many countries and is interested both in finding and exploring ‘landscapes with human influence’ and uninhabited areas where nature reigns. The latter – nature without human influence – is shown in this exposition.
There are pictures from several continents, among others from Iceland, Cape Verdian islands, Namibia, Madagaskar, the United States, Bolivia, Argentina and Chin